These figures reveal the increasingly global nature of the UK's investment industry, which employs around 92,000 people, as preparations to exit the European Union (EU) begin.
Those born in the early 1980s have an average wealth of £27,000 each, against the £53,000 those born in the 1970s had by the same age
Almost half (48%) of respondents believe that low fee index funds, which have no risk management, have lulled investors into a false sense of security.
The survey, which calculates the amount of repo business outstanding on 8 June 2016 (prior to the Brexit vote in the UK) from the returns of 67 offices of 63 financial groups, mainly banks, sets the baseline figure for market size at EUR 5,379 billion
Since the crisis, and as policy rates fell toward zero, a whole range of new unconventional policies have been adopted in the name of inflation-targeting.
20 years ago, when a friend of mine started his career in banking, he told me that his grandparents had tears of joy in their eyes.
The driving force behind the growth in non-cash payments, according to Capgemini, is due in part to strong economic growth in key developing countries,