The latest Barclays and BGF Entrepreneurs Index, a bi-annual study tracking entrepreneurial activity, found that 4,430 firms were operating in the city in March 2014, an increase of 4.6% on the previous year.
Comment: Alex Wright, who manages Anthony Bolton's former funds, explains how investment trusts suit fund managers who spot opportunities early
In 1975, Charles Ellis, the founder of Greenwich Associates, wrote one of the most powerful and memorable metaphors in the history of finance.
The survey of UK 80 wealth managers and multi-managers, conducted in September and October this year, found 95% were positive about boutique investing, and 41% said they plan to increase their asset allocation to boutiques in the next 18 months.
Adviser interest in Charles Stanley’s discretionary fund management model has been “slow” because its “different concept” is not what advisers are used to, the firm’s wealth management director admitted to FTAdviser.
Given the boardroom battles that have taken place over recent years, it's hardly surprising - but a new ranking of last year's 15 best-paid European bank bosses shows UK bankers are among the most highly-paid in Europe.
The report – Hidden Profits – from the economic justice network Eurodad, which includes Christian Aid, compares 15 EU countries’ performance on combatting tax dodging and ensuring financial transparency.