
Nuclear Japan

The end of 'datsu genpatsu' - escape from nuclear


Ireland eyes new big player to boost banking sector

It has also left the country with only three SME lenders of scale, state-owned Allied Irish Banks , Royal Bank of Scotland's Ulster Bank and Bank of Ireland , which counts the Irish state as a 14 percent shareholder.


Privacy or Secrecy? by Gary Heynes, Baker Tilly

MEPs have recently approved new rules to introduce an EU register of all beneficial owners of companies and foundations, and also private trusts. But could this present a risk to individuals that are in the public eye?


Seeing things differently by 7IM

There's little doubt that an economic recovery is well underway in much of the developed world. In the US, the most obvious demonstration of that is the Federal Reserve's determination to decrease its bond purchases, which have now fallen to US$


LLP members – changes to new tax rules

Following consultation with Baker Tilly and other concerned groups, HMRC has published revised guidance on the new tax rules for salaried members of LLPs.