
Hope and history - St. James's Place

History is not a guide to future performance, but that rarely stops financial markets and investors from glancing back in the hope of gleaning what might lie ahead.


Tax debate shifts from avoidance to evasion by George Bull

With the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development now working on plans to tackle international tax avoidance by multi-national corporations, and summer rapidly turning to autumn in the UK, we expect to see a change in emphasis in the Great Ta


The Shifting Forecast by Seven Investment Management

The IMF has confirmed what much of the economic news in the past few months has been telling us. In the ebb and flow of global economics, the developed world has been riding up the crest of a wave. But emerging markets, to continue the maritime analogy, h


Why Russia prefers BRICS to Europe

Europe has an irresistible appeal for many Russians but after repeated rebuffs by the West, Moscow is coming around to the view that BRICS makes a better bedfellow.


More Housing Hokum by Justin Urquhart Stewart

The latest „Help to Buy‟ plans, much vaunted by our esteemed politicians at their party conference last week, seems to have been not quite as popular with some of the banks as had originally been implied.