
Schroders: Currency Wars - comment by Keith Wade and Clive Dennis

The New Year has seen a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff in the US, an easing of bank regulations and the adoption of a more aggressive inflation target in Japan. Policymakers have continued where they left off in 2012: prioritising growth and dampening vol


UBS Chairman proposes industry-wide settlement over Libor

UBS Chairman Axel Weber raised the possibility of an industry-wide settlement for the rest of the banks involved in the Libor rate fixing scandal at a meeting of top bankers in Davos, sources familiar with the matter said.


New Atmospherics? by Justin Urquhart Stewart

There has definitely been a change in the air, and I am not talking about that strange pong emanating from that French company plant near Rouen or those noxious niffs floating around the gloomy tunnels of the London Underground.