Banks Need to Reduce Risk: Sallie Krawchek
Krawcheck said that the problem was not being addressed
Krawcheck said that the problem was not being addressed
The spectre of political risk has returned to European bond markets as scandal embroils the Spanish government and anti-reform sentiment grows in Italy.
But the advent of an experienced executive in a senior role at Schroders, shortly after chief executive Michael Dobson passed his 11th anniversary in the job in October, has sparked talk about succession.
HMRC has said it will be spending February looking to identify more people whose income and wealth does not match – and they’ve got some snazzy new technology to help them too….
The worsening position of Greek households is also reflected in negative net deposit flows. In the first nine months of 2012 these increased a further 40 percent compared to the position in the previous year.
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world”, said George Bernard Shaw.
Investor sentiment improved somewhat during the final quarter of 2012, in response to better economic data trends in the US and China, and a view that central bank actions had reduced downside tail risks.
The Select range is made up of around 50 funds from leading fund groups
Recent euro strength should also reverse in coming months as economic and political headwinds re-emerge. This suggests moderate dollar gains as the US outlook improves.
Our preference for the emerging market (EM) assets – be it equities, bonds or currencies
Based on 113 years of international evidence, the Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook examines how stocks and bonds might perform in a world witnessing a resurgence of risk appetite and concerns about inflation.
A date for a celebration is next Sunday (the 10th) when we can welcome the Chinese lunar New Year, say goodbye to the Dragon and hello to the Year of the Water Snake.
The article argues that the 2011 peak of $1921 was the top, and that now the run of the cult metal is coming to an end.
As acquirers in MENA, Gulf banks are taking the place of European banks that are shoring up their balance sheets in the aftermath of the financial and sovereign crises.
There are two ways to look at the news that Antony Jenkins, the chief executive officer of Barclays Plc, will turn down his $1.6 million bonus this year.
We currently believe that the global economy has started a cyclical improvement and confidence is generally improving, meaning that we should have a higher tolerance for equities.
Since the creation of the OMT (Outright Monetary Transactions) the marked fall in peripheral yields suggests that the risk the euro area posed to the global economy has decreased.
The New Year has seen a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff in the US, an easing of bank regulations and the adoption of a more aggressive inflation target in Japan. Policymakers have continued where they left off in 2012: prioritising growth and dampening vol
European fourth-quarter earnings are set to disappoint but we expect the pace of earnings downgrades to slow in 2013. Earnings could even turn positive given most of the bad news
HMRC has suddenly – and very quietly - announced changes to offshore trusts. But these changes will mean that many people will suddenly find themselves in a taxable position with no consultation, no explanation for the change, and no opportunity to