Grey Swans and Active Management - by Moz Afzal, CIO & Daniel Murray, Chief Economist, EFG Asset Management
One year: too long in a world of ‘risk-on’ and ‘risk-off’
One year: too long in a world of ‘risk-on’ and ‘risk-off’
We expect the positive tone in equity markets to continue. Recent economic data out of the US and China has been strong, and markets will take heart from the positive news flow, at least until the politicians are called upon for more decision making.
Fittingly, given the confidence-crippling chaos and subsequent submission in US Congress the first song to be shuffled on to my iPod on my New Year’s Day run was the magnificent “Acquiesce” by Oasis.
Schroders’ Chief Economist Keith Wade and European Economist, Azad Zangana, discuss why the global economy hit another soft patch in 2012 and share their views on other economic factors that had an impact over the last 12 months.
According to the Telegraph, Buffett's remarks came during an interview with fellow philanthropist Melinda Gates, with BBC Radio 4.
The Government must do more to defend the contribution the financial services sector makes to the wider economy because it is not just about “a few people drinking Bollinger”, according to the City of London Corporation.
Enoch Powell once said that the best way to keep a secret was to announce it on the floor of the House of Commons, so little notice was taken of anything that went on there.
New Lafferty report applies retailer best practice to banks in an effort to make them 'loved'
We are reducing our exposure to gold for the first time since June 2009 because we believe that several key risks to the global economy that underpinned the precious metal are being addressed. But we remain positive on gold and believe it has a place in p
We are looking for opportunities to participate directly in US residential property for both rental income and capital appreciation.
So in the world of investment and banking, what do I want for Christmas and the New Year?
My intent is not to show why these economists will fail (bigger and brighter minds such as Hayek, Mises, Friedman, etc. have already done this) – but rather to review the impact that the misguided manipulation of the price of money (exchange and int
"We have seen some awful scandals in businesses much weaker than UBS and they manage to survive."
We hear all the time that rising income tax rates are driving high earners overseas. But is it really higher taxes that are getting them racing to the nearest airport?
"Despite the fact that there has been little progress in resolving the underlying structural issues in the developed economies, 2012 has been a decent year for risk assets.
The SunGard Asset Arena 360 Boutique Asset Manager survey recently examined the prospects for institutional boutique asset managers, the obstacles that lay ahead, as well as strategies for growth in an increasingly challenging cost-pressured industry.
A net 40 percent of investors believe the global economy will strengthen in the year ahead
I guess it helps to be an economist. Yet both can be divisive. You either like it or you don't.
It may have seemed like a difficult year, and a lot of challenges still loom, but 2012 has turned out to be a good year for investors, with strong performances across most asset classes.
London & Capital gives its outlook for markets and the principal asset classes