Thousands of ‘accidental Americans' could be unwittingly caught by the Foreign Accounting and Tax Compliance Act from July, leaving them exposed to US tax liabilities, Vestra Wealth has warned.
To pay Norwegian tax of 1% of the global net wealth including on the family house, cars, bank savings, shares, etc. situated outside Norway may come as a surprise for many foreigners working in Norway.
Bulgaria’s cabinet, at a scheduled meeting on March 19, approved a draft agreement between Bulgaria and India on the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of income tax evasion.
The young Ukrainian ex-billionaire Serhiy Kurchenko, now widely suspected of being a front man for overthrown President Viktor Yanukovych’s family, clearly liked offshore destinations.
The president of German team Bayern Munich, who has admitted evading millions of euros of taxes, hid even more income than he said, a tax inspector told his trial on Tuesday.