
UAE-UK tax rule frees up offshore pension transfers

This has already happened in several states in America, and it is likely to become more and more of a problem as ageing populations reach retirement age and find that there is just not enough saved in their pension pots.


UK Expats Should Consider Final Salary Pension Transfers

The figure is calculated by the scheme actuary who follows pre-determined guidelines based on principles such as how many years left before retirement, personal circumstances, average life expectancy and so on.


Global pension fund assets edge upward in 2016

Growth in defined contribution assets continued to outstrip that of defined benefit assets, with DC assets now accounting for over 48% of global pension assets, compared with around 41% in 2006.


Co-op Bank takes £50m pension hit

The agreement follows months of negotiations between the two sides and is the result of an April 2014 triennial valuation of the fund’s assets and liabilities.