
Quadruple hire powers near tripling in Vestra profits

As it reported on its financial performance, Vestra pointed to the challenging conditions. However, in a filing to Companies House, the firm appeared to have navigated these smoothly, highlighting growth in its client bank ‘at a good price’ an


UK private bank hits a double £1 billion milestone

When, more than one hundred years ago, George Gilbert Williams, president of the famously conservative Chemical Bank, was asked for the secret of his success, he replied: “The fear of God”. There’s nothing new under the sun!


The future of wealth management services

Wealth managers are under pressure to rev up their profits. Over the past several years revenues have been sluggish, margins tighter, and costs - particularly those involving regulatory compliance - higher.


Oaktree WM launches international business

The firm, run by former Wealth Manager cover stars Jeremy Arthur and Ian Brady, Invesco Perpetual’s ex-head of fund of funds, is planning to target international clients through the new business to be led by Shah. He joins from Christchurch Investm


7IM delays adviser loans move

Seven Investment Management says it still plans to offer advisers a lending facility despite delays to the service’s launch.