ESG Moves Up Energy Agenda Thanks to Investor Pressure
Coutts and other investors in some of the world’s largest energy companies are bringing environmental concerns to bear, gearing up the hydrocarbon giants’ transition to net zero
Coutts and other investors in some of the world’s largest energy companies are bringing environmental concerns to bear, gearing up the hydrocarbon giants’ transition to net zero
Acknowledging the interactions between financial institutions produces a more realistic indication of the effects of climate change on the financial system.
These developments also illustrate another of UBP’s distinguishing features, i.e. the emphasis we place on engagement.
Winners were announced at an awards ceremony in London on the 9 June 2022.
The oceans feed us, entertain us, are the source of some of our drugs, clean the air we breathe, regulate the climate and much more.
The new sustainable finance offerings fall into two categories, including environmental and social financing, and sustainability-linked solutions.
As we move towards a system which is equitable, accessible, resource-efficient, resilient, cost-effective, and clean, an estimated USD 2 bn annual opportunity for investors will emerge.
We believe this sustainable agriculture revolution should offer investors cause for excitement
Lithuania is a net electricity importer, relying heavily on interconnection with neighboring countries to meet its energy needs.
The Committee will provide an update on its work across these dimensions in due course. It will continue to collaborate with other global forums on climate-related financial risk initiatives.
This work will help combat greenwashing by establishing common supervisory criteria for National Competent Authorities (NCAs), to effectively supervise investment funds with sustainability features.
Vanguard commits 4% of AUM
LGT is also taking an important step with regard to cooperation and the further development of sustainability standards
The trustee had explained how climate change was considered in its investment strategies, risk management and covenant monitoring, and had provided copies of the scheme’s actuarial valuation, statement of investment principles and responsible owners
As a member of TNFD Forum, the Commission intends to contribute to the TNFD’s ongoing innovative work.
The government said the updated strategy would take stock of current progress and set out how the UK can better ensure the financial services industry is supporting the UK’s energy security, climate and environmental objectives.
One option for maintaining tax revenues would be to replace fuel duties with a new motoring tax, not based on carbon consumption.
Insurers are turning to net zero to solve their unique climate change challenges, says Robeco’s Head of Global Insurance Strategy, Ed Collinge.
Investors agreed that a clear labelling system (similar to those used in food or energy) would offer peace of mind, helping them feel like they have more agency in their investment decisions.
UK investors are increasingly turning to advisers for guidance and support when it comes to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) investing, according to research by M&G Wealth.