The value of the fund, which invests in international equities including Alphabet, Walt Disney and Amazon, fell from $50m in 2010 to $30m this year.
Fiera Capital is pleased to expand its presence in the European market through this partnership with Bedrock," said Jean-Guy Desjardins, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fiera Capital.
The $714bn fund house was hit with outflows of €26bn, or around a fifth of its mutual fund assets in Europe, in the year to the end of February, according to Morningstar, the data provider.
Research costs are a function of our role and we believe it is only right that Woodford, not our investors, pay for it.
The funds will be administered from Northern Trust’s Guernsey office and add to its growing client base in the Channel Islands where Northern Trust provides a range of fund administration solutions, banking, global custody, depositary, credit and fi
Despite the difficulties, some African Eurobonds have been outperforming, thanks in part to the bounce in oil and metals but also on the back of some potential turnaround stories, something all investors love.