
Insider ‘blows lid off’ the hedge fund world

Simon Lack’s new book, The Hedge Fund Miracle, claims to “blow the lid off” the secret world of hedge funds, where little or no regulation, excessive fees and a crowded industry have left investors with poor returns.


EU governments back new rules on short selling, CDS

The new legislation "introduces common EU transparency requirements and harmonizes the powers that regulators may use in exceptional situations where there is a serious threat to financial stability," the Council of the EU, where representative


Ashmore treading water

Average management fee revenue margins did decline from 86 to 76 basis points, but this was down to a change in theme and client mix.


SRI fund providers reaffirm commitment following shutdowns

Kames Capital, which continues to offer ethical equity and bond funds, said more distinctive product ranges – for example, those that employ ‘dark green’ ethical screens to appeal to socially conscious investors – were tending to s