Shareholders will vote at Liontrust’s September annual general meeting regarding whether or not to expand the current incentive scheme, introduced in January 2011, by 1.9m shares, in order to “closely align their interests with those of shareh
In half-year results, Standard Life revealed that group operating profits before tax rose to £302m in the six months to June 30 from £262m in the same period last year. Assets under administration climbed to £204.2bn from £198.4bn
Despite this, some commentators have suggested that these markets, in particular Hong Kong, are becoming more difficult to gain access into.
UniCredit SPA plans a euro-denominated, benchmark-sized, five-year Obbligazioni Bancarie Garantite (OBG), or covered bond, one of the banks running the deal said Tuesday.
In Paris, Chinese buyers have jumped from 0.3 percent of buyers in 2009 to an expected 2.0 percent this year, with luxury apartments with a view of the Seine and the city's monuments enjoying the most demand from Asian clients.
The €505.6 billion Government Pension Fund Global fell 2.2 per cent, as measured by a basket of currencies, the Oslo-based investor said yesterday.
The gross margin on temporary placements in the first half of 2012 improved slightly to 20.8% (2011: 20.2%). Pricing has remained relatively stable throughout the first half of 2012, with a stronger pricing environment in rapidly growing markets, being of
Bond fund sales around the world are continuing at a record pace with $350 billion in net inflows during the first half of 2012, according to Strategic Insight, a business intelligence provider to the global fund industry.
The fund invests in ideas generated across Threadneedle's full fixed income team, covering developed and emerging market government bonds, investment grade and high yield corporate bonds, asset backed securities, currencies and fixed income derivativ
Hedge funds haven’t taken off in Asia like they have in the U.S. or Europe, but bankers say that may change and are positioning themselves to lend cash and securities to them, as well as helping them find new investors—a business known as prim
Aviva, the insurer undergoing a radical overhaul following the abrupt departure of its chief executive, has reported 10pc fall in first-half operating profits.