
Europe’s Weakened Banks See a Road Around New Capital Rules

James von Moltke, Deutsche Bank AG’s chief financial officer, told analysts recently that he sensed a “shift in tone” among politicians and is optimistic that the final rules could be “less onerous” for the industry once they


Liquidator liability to pay costs as a non-party to litigation

A recent decision of the English High Court considered whether a liquidator’s firm should be liable to pay costs as a non-party to the unsuccessful litigation pursued by the company in liquidation and the liquidator. The decision will be of interest


Calls for ban on non-advised P2P sales

In the wake of its collapse questions have been raised as to how retail clients can be better protected in the market, with many pointing their fingers to an outright ban of non-advised P2P investments.


EBA thematic report on NPLs: progress and challenges

The differences in the speed of the recovery procedures, also due to less efficient legal frameworks and thin secondary markets for NPLs, remain the most significant impediments to the further offloading of NPLs.