HSBC Keeps London Headquarters in Victory for U.K. Over Asia
The decision is a victory for U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, who made tax and regulatory concessions to large banks
The decision is a victory for U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, who made tax and regulatory concessions to large banks
The programme was never implemented, and has since been superceded by a far bigger bond purchasing programme known as QE
The results of both the review and the stress tests will be published on Aug. 13
The SFO is understood to have taken an interest in the Caymanregistered fund after becoming aware of its existence in the course of its Libor investigation, the biggest in its history.
The acquisition is via a share deal, and has been has undertaken by AXA IM - Real Assets on behalf of a club of investors seeking investments into core European real estate assets.
With a referendum on the UK’s continued membership of the EU likely to take place later this year and a recent survey by the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors highlighting that only four FTSE 100 companies have engaged in detailed planning fo
Hannan described an ongoing shift of financial power from the Atlantic to the Pacific in contrast to a steady decline in the EU’s contribution to global economic growth.
On behalf of Withers' London Family Law team I am delighted to welcome you to our latest edition of 'Family law news'.
Her areas of expertise are property litigation and landlord and tenant matters in the retail sector.
Officials from the European Commission and its US counterpart, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, confirmed on Wednesday they had reached an agreement.
Jersey offers a wide range of corporate vehicles for businesses to consider, including companies, foundations and limited partnerships.
It is alleged that RBS Coutts in Zurich, which is owned by RBS, is one of the banks that had transferred the state fund's money out of Malaysia.
Trial of the sister of Spanish King Felipe marks first time a member of Spain's royal family has faced criminal charges
Danish lender claims to have floating charge on liquidated stockbroker through loans
ESMA will have to design data exchange systems with about 300 trading centres offering around 15 million financial instruments in order to implement the regulation.
Renzi is counting on consolidation to modernize the banking industry
Finma has set a deadline of 31 January 2017 for category 1, 2 and 3 re/insurers to submit their ORSA report.
The volatility of the financial markets that we are witnessing reflects these economic uncertainties in terms of material risk
Rouble’s slide has exacerbated bankruptcies in the sector
The rules also provide clarity on aspects of the Regime’s territorial application.