
German Banks Seek Delay to EU Implementation of Basel III

This makes the planned start date of the Basel III rules "unrealistic," as more than just one to two months' notice is needed to analyze the final text of the regulations and directives, to make changes to information technology systems, an


Adviser wins £260k VAT appeal against HMRC

Bloomsbury Wealth Management has won an appeal to have almost £260,000 in VAT repaid after a tax tribunal ruled the firm was providing services that were exempt from VAT.


Deutsche Bank internal Libor clears board

A Deutsche Bank internal investigation into Libor has found that two former traders may have been involved in colluding to manipulate the rates but said there was no indication of failure at the top of the organisation, Reuters reported.


British tax dodgers to be publicly named

For decades the British Trades Union Congress has been arguing that closing down avoidance opportunities for wealthy individuals and business would limit the need for public sector cuts.


UK Unveils New Plans To Tackle Tax Avoidance

Tax avoidance has become a hot topic in the UK recently, with the government keen to be seen as cracking down on the practice. Last month, a number of high profile celebrities were revealed as having participated in legal schemes including the 'K2&am


German courts take aim at Ecclestone

Bribery is a serious charge in Germany in which suspects are usually arrested but nevertheless, the 81-year-old British multi-millionaire has said he will attend this weekend's German Grand Prix at Hockenheim.


Legislators must force cultural change in financial services

The Panel has long argued that the defective culture of financial services organisations is at the root of misselling. Providers putting their own interests above those of the customer have characterised both the PPI and Libor scandals.