
German court to rule on eurozone rescue

Germany’s powerful constitutional court will on Wednesday rule on whether the country was right to bail out Greece and other eurozone members last year, in a long-anticipated judgment that could result in greater parliamentary control over future re


Revealed: the dramatic US charges against UK banks

Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland and HSBC routinely breached their own mortgage-lending rules and bullied surveyors into wildly inflating valuations of American properties in the run up to the credit crunch, it has been claimed.


Libyan citizens in UK have funds unfrozen

The plea came after the bank received apparently contradictory instructions from the old and new regimes requiring it to freeze the accounts (the old regime) and unfreeze the accounts (the new regime).


Italy courting disaster with austerity plan chaos

Italy’s plan to balance its budget by 2013 lacks detail, does not add up and changes from one day to the next, raising the risk that the country will be sucked back into the middle of the eurozone debt crisis.


Swiss HSBC unit loses plea to block database

One of France's highest courts rejected a plea on Wednesday by a Swiss unit of HSBC bank that a French government database of citizens holding bank accounts abroad should be blocked as an excess of power.