
GAM: Setback for CEO Alex Friedman

GAM built its systemic unit around the 56 employees it acquired through Cantab, which was founded ten years ago by a former Goldman Sachs quantitative specialist.


The “Big Tech” backlash - Schroders

Google also provides its Android operating system free of charge to third party device manufacturers (largely, of course, to secure its dominance in mobile search).


The private bank of Mum and Dad

Parental support can take many forms – gifting the initial deposit, using an inheritance to pay down the children’s first mortgage, or acting as co-guarantors in the property purchase.


Platforms falling short when it comes to service

When it came to the services advisers saw as being most important, there was no change from last year, with existing business administration being placed first, new business administration second and online services third.


Enough Disruption Talk, Let's Get Real

We asked Peter Schramme, Chief Business Development Officer, that question about disruption and he suggested to weaken the word a little, because every new thing that pops up is called disruption today.


Keeping up with the robots

Automation may pose a threat to jobs, but it also puts an added psychological pressure on staff who have to keep pace with the robots


Millennials in Wealth Management - A Survey

The report offers data-driven strategic and practical advice on how wealth managers can take advantage of the generational shift in clients by employing the right digital tools and channels.