
SocGen's Edwards: China will collapse in 2012

Albert Edwards, head of strategy at Société Générale and a well-known market bear, said the next 12 months will be the "final year of pain and disappointment", the Guardian reports.


GAAR: Got An Alternative Remedy?

When both the prime minister and his deputy are promising action to curb tax avoidance, we have to believe that the proposed General Anti-Abuse Rule is going to reach the statute book some time soon.


Shafts of Light in Leaden Skies

I can only presume that most of the population must have comforted themselves with excessive amounts of alcohol to try and negate the seemingly unremitting gloom that was aired throughout the holiday period.


Outlook 2012: Situation Stalemate

In early October 2011, Baker Tilly commissioned YouGov to conduct our ‘Outlook 2012’ survey of the opinions of business decision-makers.



I have to say that I am sick to death of all the doom-mongers and depressants that seem to be continuously preaching to us at the moment.


Is the Financial Crisis a Male Syndrome?

Testosterone, rather than neurons, may push male egos into ever-more-complex speculative bets, a gambling binge made possible by advanced technology, mathematical techniques, and globalization.