
Four countries that slash non-dom IHT bills

Four countries have long-established tax treaties that give UK-non-doms from these jurisdictions a hugely advantageous opportunity to minimise paying inheritance tax on their worldwide assets.


Are robots the latest tax-dodgers?

With calls for robots to pay tax, we ask why they’re only being heard now. Is taxing robots the right approach? Is there an underlying problem which suggests a different response?


Dutch Tax Changes Set Up 120 Percent Penalty on Undeclared Assets

Under the new scheme, which will take effect Jan. 1, 2018, taxpayers who declare hidden assets would have to pay a fine that can go up to 120 percent of the sum of the undeclared assets, even if they notify tax officials they have submitted incorrect tax


Abusive tax schemes face bigger penalties

The second finance bill also contains changes to prevent individuals from using artificial schemes to avoid paying the tax they owe on their earnings.