
Paradox of the HNW mortgage market

The expansion of capacity has coincided with subdued demand, despite a return of prices in prime Central London to the levels of 2014 and 2015


Prestigious speakers at SGG Crossroads event

This exclusive event will focus on how ‘the finance industry can contribute to a better society’. It will attract an international executive audience of 150 participants active in the alternative fund industry: asset managers as well as lawyer


Voices 2018 winners announced!

The competition judges included writers, authors, poets and journalists, with a special interest in, or personal experience of the care system,


Pictet multi-asset boss Percival Stanion dies

‘Percival was an equity partner who joined Pictet in 2014 to head Pictet Asset Management’s international multi-asset business, based in London,' said a spokesperson for Pictet Asset Management.