
Leading Swiss Private bank to slash 10,000 jobs

Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger, citing internal documents, reported the bank plans to lay off almost a quarter of its 8,200 staffers in the IT department. It says that is likely to be followed by wider cuts, possibly affecting a fifth of the company'


Aberdeen Asset opens New York office

The New York office will serve as a business development and marketing center and complements Aberdeen’s North American headquarters in Philadelphia, as well as the company’s on-the-ground business development presence in Chicago, Miami, San F


Can Smith & Williamson make its mark on IFAs?

The focused approach to funds taken by S&W Investment Management has seen it make great strides among its target wealth managers. Now it wants to do the same with IFAs.


Global household wealth falls 5.2% - Credit Suisse RESEARCH

The Credit Suisse Research Institute today released its third annual Global Wealth Report 2012, which finds that from mid-2011 to mid-2012 aggregate global household wealth fell by 5.2% in current dollar terms to USD 223 trillion due to the economic uncer


HNW join ranks in not trusting banks

Some 70% of the UK’s wealthy with over £250,000 investable assets have less faith in the banking industry compared to one year ago.