
AFH Financial buys IFA firm

"IFA adviser numbers have also grown from 53 at the time of flotation last year to 91 at the start of September.


ARC launch new Charity Indices

The ARC Charity Indices allow charity portfolio performance to be compared versus a realistic and sizable peer group of charities whose portfolios have exhibited similar volatility characteristics.


Private client wealth manager celebrates

In an environment of falling interest rates, heightened market volatility, increasingly correlated share price movements and relentless inflationary pressure, finding a lower risk investment solution capable of preserving wealth in real terms has proved a


Investec’s acquisition boosts Aum

Williams de Broë has been swallowed up by Investec Wealth and Investment in an acquisition that has boosted IW&I’s assets under management to £20bn, Jonathan Wragg has claimed.


France’s richest man turns to Belgium as wealth tax looms

He lives in Paris and has a home in Brussels, the daily said. “Contrary to the reports published today, Mr Bernard Arnault states that he is and will remain a French tax resident,” a statement put out by Arnault’s press office said.


Deutsche Bank CEOs Tackle Ackermann Legacy in Overhaul

Deutsche Bank co-Chief Executive Officers Anshu Jain and Juergen Fitschen, less than four months after taking over from Josef Ackermann, may be preparing the largest revamp at Europe’s biggest bank in eight years.


U.K. Rich Unmoved by Tax Hike as Luxe-Home Sales Surge

The British government’s plan to raise a tax on luxury-home purchases sparked a last-minute dash by real-estate brokers to wrap up deals before the deadline hit in March. They needn’t have bothered.