
BNP Paribas brings dealmakers back to Switzerland

BNP Paribas lists the takeover of Syngenta by ChemChina, the sale of Bank Sarasin to Bank Jacob Safra (Switzerland), the defense and subsequent sale of Converium to SCOR and the sale of Swiss to Lufthansa.


Fortu Wealth adds to Advisory Board

Vaghjiani joins a board with immeasurable expertise from across the financial sphere, with names such as Nektarios Liolios, founder of Startupbootcamp Fintech and Vidur Varma, former executive of Citi Gold already sitting as advisors.


Julius Baer publishes Global Wealth and Lifestyle Report 2021

The findings of the Julius Baer Lifestyle Index 2021 show the continuation of many of the underlying trends of recent years, with COVID-19 impacting prices sharply in specific travel-related areas such as flights and hotel suites.


WeekWatch by St. James’s Place

Two thirds of investors want greater transparency in where their pension is invested and the environmental impact it is having, according to new research from Aviva.