
MAST 2021 Outlook: The Great Normalization

After a challenging 2020, we are optimistic 2021 will be much better although it may take a few months to get the pieces in place for a pronounced recovery.


Are you leaving town?

Their motivation will more driven by virus fears, avoiding crowds and increasing crime rates.


Markets Slowed on Brexit Uncertainty

There was mixed news in the US, as jobs data and COVID-19 case numbers pointed towards the ongoing damage created by the pandemic. However, hopes also grew of an economic stimulus package being agreed in the near term.


And Finally…?

A desire for a deal must exist with neither side wanting to be seen to walk away.


IQ-EQ Roundtable Insights

Over a similar time period, as family wealth has grown, so too has the job of managing those assets.


Barings Supports ICG in Buyout of BIMM

BIMM provides university-grade education courses in modern music, performing arts, and film making across campuses in the UK, Ireland, and Germany.