
UBS boosts board

“I am delighted to announce the nomination of Robert W. Scully and Dieter Wemmer for election to the Board of Directors. We are convinced they have the specialist knowledge required to strengthen the UBS Board of Directors and – subject to the


Euronext strengthens Lisbon leadership team

Formerly Principal at The Boston Consulting Group where he spent the last six years, Rivard contributed to the development of innovative digital offers in financial services.


Hargreave Hale appoints Carlisle office head

The team is currently made up of three investment professionals, however there are plans for further recruitment in response to client demand in the region and across the Scottish borders.


Caspar Rock quits Architas for Cazenove

Architas says it is looking for a new chief investment officer to replace Rock, but says the fund management side of the business will not change.