
Lyxor appoints CEO of UK arm

He will be based in London, reporting to Lyxor’s CEO and locally to the UK chief country officer for Societe Generale.


Senior hires announced for GLG's macro and fixed income platform

Opalesque Industry Update - GLG, the discretionary investment manager of Man Group plc announced a number of senior hires to its macro and fixed income team. The appointments are part of a focus on expanding GLGs strategy as it relates to absolute return


Tax expert joins Thomas Eggar’s private client team

Previously a Director at Berwin Leighton Paisner, he also worked as a senior investigator in the Special Compliance Office of the Inland Revenue with a focus on high-profile cases of suspected tax avoidance and evasion.


Vanguard hires Lomholt from BlackRock

Lomholt will be responsible for managing Vanguard’s product range and its ETF capital markets team, as well as providing technical support to the company’s client-facing functions.