
Critical Considerations for Minority Investors

Minority shareholder rights under a company’s constitution are typically limited, so a shareholders agreement incorporating express contractual rights above and beyond those afforded by Irish statute should be executed.


The Smart Path to Open Finance

A coalition of UK fintechs has signed an open letter calling on the government to fast track a 'smart data right' that enables consumers to control their data, opening up the potential of open finance.


How to use the Wealth Shortlist

Our Wealth Shortlist is made up of funds that we think have long-term performance potential – here’s how to use it.


Back to basics – jargon busting and five key tips on pensions

Whatever your personal wealth, the tax benefits of a pension make it one of the most important tools to ensure you can enjoy a comfortable retirement, however jargon and a lack of knowledge can prevent many from saving as much as they can into their pensi