
From My To Our: Building One Meaningful Community Together

As part of the ongoing development of our organisation, after months of hard work and seamless collaboration, in July we have launched our renewed, faster, easier to navigate and more user-friendly corporate portal that goes under the name of One Objectwa


What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing is also a problem for the planet and society if money is not flowing into activities that are necessary to solve environmental issues like climate change, and social issues, like rising inequalities, for example.


Empowering Clients During Adversity

As investors move into new asset classes, many are also increasingly building up exposures to promising CEE (Central and Eastern European) markets including the Czech Republic


Advisers fear reputational damage from greenwashing

Around 69 per cent of advisers surveyed by Boring Money said they were worried about the reputational risk of recommending products whose sustainability credentials are later called into questio