
Financial Regulation: Daily Update

The changes will provide guidance on the new power to cancel or vary the permissions to carry on FCA-regulated activities that are no longer being used by FCA-regulated firms.


FCA under fire for providing false information

The firm in question, dubbed Firm X, was an EEA based firm passported in from Germany, which was shown as an active company on the FCA register until January 16, 2020, even though the original company was wound up in 2018.


Financial Regulation: Daily Update

The update details the FCA's decision to not extend the temporary guidance on maturing interest-only and part-and-part mortgages in PS20/11, which will expire on 31 October 2021.


UBS: Another rumor of sale in Madrid

Because last April the Madrid branch had already been sold to the Fürstenbank LGT or the Swiss-Brazilian private bank J. Safra Sarasin in Spain .


Financial Regulation: Daily Update

This would mean that short-term liabilities owed to these firms will continue to be exempt from bail-in under the Banking Act.