
Funds forum – key takeaways

The speed, impact and breadth of innovation that we will see in the next decade will be greater than in the previous history of humanity.


I know a great shortcut...

Shortcuts are about embracing patterns and processes that can be repeated easily to save you time, or reusing someone else's learned experience to make sure you don't repeat the same mistakes or can progress through the basics quicker, they are


Swiss office property market: Pandemic leaves its initial marks

Although many tenants are facing considerable uncertainty over their future need for office space, the market has also seen a number of rental contract extensions and new signings – particularly for reasons of location optimization or workforce conc


Its No Longer Transitory

The reaction in the high yield market is more likely to be one of the broad risk concerns expressed by investors.


Trust is everything – tech and media predictions 2022

This prediction is not limited to the technology sector but in large part it is likely to be technology that enables brands to step up and deliver on ESG and other goals, to reflect the values they claim to live by.


Mission Impossible by Tim Price

“Three groups spend other people’s money: children, thieves and politicians. All three need supervision.”


Trying to sound smart is stupid

The problem is that frequently, when fund managers try to display their “smartness”, they can end up pushing investors away from their fund rather than reeling them in.