
The UK as a global AI superpower

The Strategy aims to build on the UK’s current position in order to translate the tremendous potential of AI into better growth, prosperity and social benefits for the UK, and to help solve global challenges by using AI.


Indestructible by Tim Price

The pound sterling has fared no better. Indeed every unbacked paper currency in history has ultimately failed. The dollar will be no different. It is only a question of time.


Crypto investment frauds a ‘daily’ scourge

Pinto said that while AnotherDay is currently engaged in a further five crypto fraud investigations of similar value, there are many lower value cases his company is contacted about.


COVID-19: Technology Adoption and Adaptation

This rapid technological adoption also changed the way businesses operate. HR transformation is a good example whereby onboarding, training, and salary were digitised to match the workforce realities during the pandemic.


Transparency, impact and engagement

A few months after the SFDR regulation came into force, Morningstar published an initial study in which it estimated that funds classified as Article 9 represented 2.7% of the total assets of European funds, compared with 20.9% for Article 82.


Why do people invest?

A look at the fundamentals of investor behaviour across Europe and Asia