
From hope to secular growth

At the onset of an economic recession, investors are facing a “wall of worries” that translate into very risk-off behaviors.


Why outsourcing makes sense

Fund managers are increasingly outsourcing administrative operations in order to focus on adding value to assets and investor relations, says Head of Alternative Investments, Simon Burgess. *


Back to Normal?

The good news is that it is possible to live normally with it in our midst


Diary of a Fund Manager - Writers' Guild

Central bank mission creep is also apparent with housing costs and the environment being added to the longstanding priorities of financial stability and employment.


HSBC only European bank listed in global top 10

The research also showed that the world’s largest banks managed to withstand ongoing pressures from the COVID-19 pandemic, adding 12.7% to their collective tier 1 capital to reach the highest ever level of $9.9tn.


A period of reform for UK stock exchanges?

Despite the global uptick in new listing activity, the UK has been facing pressure as a jurisdiction, with only 5% of global IPOs having been carried out in London between 2015 and 2020.