
Quality IFCs Vital to Economic Recovery

Research points to the fact, for instance, that IFCs help facilitate FDI to the tune of some $80bn each year, supporting investment in infrastructure, brownfield and greenfield development sites in all corners of the globe.


Characteristics Of Sustainable Business Leaders - RESEARCH

The report sets out to discover what can be learned from business leaders who are integrating sustainability across strategy, operations and stakeholder engagement and what this means for how board and C-suite leaders are selected.


The future of work in Europe

Beyond COVID-19, automation, migration, and shrinking labor supply are shifting the geography of employment.


UK GDP plummets - how the recovery will shape up

The UK will be keeping an eye on other countries who are a few months ahead of us in the development of the virus, and those who have started to lift restrictions already to see how successful they have been.


Inflation Regime Roadmap

The DNA team present an anatomy of a potential inflation paradigm shift, a checklist of confirmatory signals, and the portfolio moves investors could consider.