
Opportunities in a crisis by Rupert Silver, CREDO

All of this has been happening in an environment where corporates have until recently taken on more debt to support share buybacks and to take advantage of historically low-interest rates.


Adviser saves client from £18k market fall

But by the time the confusion was sorted, a month of market falls due to the coronavirus crisis had wiped more than £18,000 off the Isa's value, which sat at £55,700 on the day the Isa was eventually transferred (March 25).


Global Investment Committee Outlook

The near-infinite expansion of sovereign bond QE also is an incomparable shock to the system, almost like setting to maximum the electricity used to stimulate the brain of a comatose patient.


The cavalry (finally) arrives

The pandemic is spreading rapidly in the US, which is now following the rest of the West into self-isolation. Beware of leverage and expect dividend cuts, warns our chief investment officer Julian Chillingworth.