
Best European cities to live in

Manchester in particular has shown resilience in the city’s recovery from a recent, high-profile terrorist attack, which previously shook up stability.


Endangered: the pensions industry

One pension industry representative who lobbied against the levy described a bruising encounter with the minister to Michelle Maher, a doctoral student at Maynooth University.


Speaking truth to power by Tim Price

Informed and disciplined capital allocation – whether of unitholders’ funds, or of disparate corporate revenues – is the bedrock of our portfolios and moreover the heart of the modern free enterprise economy.


ESMA Responds to EIOPA Questions on AIFMD

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has sent a letter to the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in response to certain AIFMD-related questions raised by EIOPA relating to the AIF definition and leverage.