
Life After Brexit: Risk Off

Last week, we talked about preparing for Brexit and in the end, Britain decided to leave the EU.


GCC sovereign wealth funds may shun the UK

In the referendum on Thursday, a higher 51.9% voted to leave the union, while only 48.1% wanted to stay with the grouping, following which British Prime Minister David Cameron resigned.


Banks prepare to move thousands of City jobs

Companies said that decisions had not yet been made because there was no information about what European business they could continue to carry out in the UK once it leaves the EU.


Brexit: America’s next headache

Figures from several different wings of the American Right have claimed to recognise their specific brand of politics in the vote to leave the European Union.


Coutts Mid-Year Investment Outlook 2016: Firm Foundations

Alan Higgins, Chief Investment Officer, Coutts comments: “In the long run, equities have been the place to invest, with returns far outstripping bonds and cash. But equities are volatile and crash every decade or two. We believe one advance warning