
How low can we go? by Justin Urquhart Stewart

Whether it was the dramatic withdrawal of the Swiss Franc peg to the Euro, with all its ramifications, or through to the less exciting reduction in Danish interest rates,


Money worries by Tim Price

I hold all idea of regulating the currency to be an absurdity; the very terms of regulating the currency and managing the currency I look upon to be an absurdity


Russia faces $40bn battle to stave off banking crisis

Russia may have to spend more than $40bn this year to avert a banking crisis, as the growing likelihood of a sharp recession threatens to pile extra costs on a sector suffering from Western sanctions over Ukraine and a plunge in the rouble.


Investment Strategy for 2015 by Guy Wagner

In my article on the investment strategy for 2014, I wrote that it was important to differentiate between the structural framework and the short-term environment. Another way of looking at this is to say that you shoulddistinguish between the economy and


PwC launches 18th Global CEO Survey results in Davos, Switzerland

Fewer CEOs than last year think global economic growth will improve over the next 12 months, though confidence in their ability to achieve revenue growth in their own companies remains stable, say the more than 1,300 CEOs interviewed in PwC's 18th An


AQR launches research institute with London Business School

London Business School and AQR, a global investment management firm, will today launch the AQR Institute of Asset Management, a new partnership aimed at advancing research and best practices in the global asset management community.


Award-winning advice

The Telegraph Wealth Management Service in association with St. James’s Place helps readers to look closely at important and topical financial issues effecting their personal wealth.


An odd, non-linear world by Tim Price

“Sir, John Authers, in Loser’s Game (The Big Read, December 22), could have delved deeply into the flaws in the asset management business as it has evolved in recent decades, rather than accepting the industry’s own terms or focusing on