
Hargreaves Lansdown: Five themes to watch in 2014

This year has contained some surprises that have caught both markets and investors off guard - the burst of activity from Abenomics, slowing growth numbers in China and the ‘tapergate’ inspired volatility in the US and markets around the world


“There is never a bargain in glamour”

Europe has been the last place many people have wanted to invest for the past few years, with the sovereign debt crisis, the future of the euro, austerity and recession all raising concerns about the viability of the region.


Death of a Lloyds Salesman

The perverse world of sales incentives created by Lloyds Banking Group's controversial staff pay schemes saw some employees resort to desperate measures to avoid taking a salary cut


Argonauts return to Greece

‘Grecovery’ is likely to be the most important European economic and political event of 2014.


The Ions Age at Liontrust

Liontrust has seen a surge in assets under management in the last three years since chief executive John Ions took the reigns and he says the capacity is there to continue growing