
UBS goes under cover

If the news is confirmed in coming days, it marks the withdrawal from "holistic investment banking" of one of the more hallowed names in the world of banking.


QE not an excuse for inactivity

The overall impact of Quantitative Easing (QE) on pension funds has been exaggerated according to global professional services company Towers Watson.


Coutts: Spotlight Germany

Our view on how Germany’s economic position within the Eurozone remains strong, albeit with leading indicators having turned recently.


Chaos by Tim Price, director of investment, PFP Wealth Management

“The 99% blame the 1%, the 1% blame the 47%, the private sector blames the public sector, the public sector returns the sentiment.. the young blame the old, everyone blames the rich.. yet few question the ideas behind government or central banks.&rd


IMF's epic plan to conjure away debt and dethrone bankers

So there is a magic wand after all. A revolutionary paper by the International Monetary Fund claims that one could eliminate the net public debt of the US at a stroke, and by implication do the same for Britain, Germany, Italy, or Japan.


Have superstar traders lost their magic?

Hedge fund maestro Greg Coffey is retiring at 41 after a glittering career. And, after a distinctly lacklustre performance recently, many of his contemporaries are following suit