
Looking beyond the Greek tragedy

Central banks continue to ease policy and risk appetite amongst investors has increased. In the very near term however we remain somewhat wary that markets have rallied too strongly and that further profit taking and lower markets are quite possible.


More pension tax changes to come?

As we predicted in our last Weekly Tax Brief, higher rate tax relief for pension contributions is once again in the firing line.


Don’t shoot the goose

No reasonable person contests the idea that we should all pay our proper dues. Nevertheless, in a week when it has emerged that HMRC wrote off £10.9 billion last year (with the Treasury expressing ‘some surprise’ according to the Public


Bear trap for bankers backtracking on bonuses

However the general public feels about Stephen Hester’s bonuses, the taxman is probably also taking a close interest. Could a bonus be taxable despite a decision to waive it?



So just how much sweet and sour can we take in a week?


Renmimbi Rising

George Osborne's efforts last week to try and establish London as the Western centre for the trading of the Chinese currency should be congratulated however, some of the headlines seemed to get a little enthusiastic over something which is going to b


SocGen's Edwards: China will collapse in 2012

Albert Edwards, head of strategy at Société Générale and a well-known market bear, said the next 12 months will be the "final year of pain and disappointment", the Guardian reports.


GAAR: Got An Alternative Remedy?

When both the prime minister and his deputy are promising action to curb tax avoidance, we have to believe that the proposed General Anti-Abuse Rule is going to reach the statute book some time soon.


Shafts of Light in Leaden Skies

I can only presume that most of the population must have comforted themselves with excessive amounts of alcohol to try and negate the seemingly unremitting gloom that was aired throughout the holiday period.