
Maltese trusts – an attractive estate planning tool

Whilst the main aim behind Malta’s adoption of the trust is the offering of a further tool for estate planning, protection and security, from an international perspective, a trust with a Maltese trustee, whether individual or corporate, may also pro


Taxpayers may not need to pay HMRC

“As the 2019/20 UK tax returns were not – in the main – impacted by the Covid Lockdown, many self-assessment taxpayers may find that their 2020/21 income is much lower than their earnings for 2019/20."


Global tax guide to doing business in...

The complexities and intricacies of navigating different tax systems has proven to be a challenge for multinationals that operate in more than one country.


How your cryptoassets will be taxed in the UK

With bitcoin advancing more than 300 per cent in 2020, and 73 per cent of HNW individuals expected to invest in cryptoassets before the end of 2022, understanding how your digital assets will be taxed is essential.