
Santander bank encourages remote work due to Coronavirus

Santander's latest announcement follows other measures taken in recent weeks across the Group in all its markets, including the restriction of non-essential employee travel and meetings involving a large number of people.


Weekly Tax Brief

Fiscal measures alone are insufficient to tackle the economic consequences of coronavirus.


CBI Thematic Review Of Cyber Security - Key Findings

The Central Bank of Ireland recently completed a thematic inspection on cybersecurity risk in the asset management sector and has now issued an industry letter outlining the key findings identified.


Ireland – the Emerald answer for Dutch CLOs?

Whilst no new law has been passed, the rulings in place for these transactions have been changed (unilaterally) by the Dutch tax authorities, a move that has shaken the sector.


International Data Transfer Solutions Under GDPR

Following our previous analysis of the consequences of the opinion of the advocate general Hendrik Saugmandsgaard Øe (a.g.) in the Schrems II case, from the data exporter perspective, we will turn our attention to the content of the Controller to P