
Pope caps reform of Vatican bank with new statutes

The bank had been caught in previous years in cases of corruption, tax evasion, embezzlement, money laundering and real estate fraud, some involving top officials and prelates, damaging the Vatican’s ethical credentials.


Ireland - Update – Beneficial Ownership Reporting Commences

The launch of the Central Register had been delayed to allow for some clarifications regarding the legality of the submission of PPS numbers to the Central Register to verify the identity of the beneficial owners of Relevant Entities.


Investing in Women Code

The Investing in Women Code is a commitment by financial services firms to improving female entrepreneurs’ access to tools, resources and finance.


BDB Pitmans suspends its COO

“BDB Pitmans, like all firms, may from time to time conduct internal investigations in relation to staff members", Smith told RollOnFriday, implying breezily that there was nothing to see here.