
DLA Piper doubles City promotions amid 48-strong round

DLA Piper has announced that 48 lawyers have been promoted to its partnership. The promotions are effective as of 1 January 2016 in the United States and 1 May 2016 for EMEA and Asia Pacific. The promotions were made across a wide spectrum of practice are


EMSA Amends MiFID II Derivatives Standards

ESMA proposes to revise the RTS on non-equity transparency which includes requirements in respect of bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives and the RTS on the methodology for the calculation and application of position lim


Bhs has lessons for the state of pension regulation

The BHS schemes are now unsecured creditors in the insolvency process, with a whopping £571m claim against BHS’s corporate assets — the largest by a long way — but, as most assets are secured, they will receive virtually nothing.


EU defines high-frequency trading

The European Commission has given details of how it will define high-frequency trading as part of its new approach financial markets regulation, the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive.