
Update on the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive

The SEI Knowledge Partnership spoke with Barry McGrath, partner at Maples & Calder, and Frank Gannon, partner at KPMG, to consider how the AIFMD will affect the way in which non-EU AIFMs are permitted to market AIFs into the European Union and the mai


Hedge Fund vs. Family Office

The SEC, having feasted upon the flesh of Swiss bankers, stood upright, wiped its blood-stained mouth on the back of its hand, cleared its throat, spat, pulled up its collar against the bitter north wind, and chuckling softly under its breath, slipped uns


Campervan fame for fund manager

READERS may remember Seven Investment Management co-founder Justin Urquhart Stewart as the fund manager who chatted sock colours with the new Bank of England boss Mark Carney on the central line last week


Enter the Guv’nor

It is difficult to know quite where to start in extolling the virtues of this semi-mythical godlike being who has just descended to earth to take up his new position at the central bank of the United Kingdom.


Great Freight by Justin Urquhart Stewart

For those who know me, they will understand that I am a big fan of trains and am often to be found enjoying an afternoon’s heavy shunting somewhere outside Newark