
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? -

The major central banks have made small policy mistakes over the past month, but the good news is that they are reminding investors they are in no rush to head for the exits.


World's richest bank is Chinese

The dismal performance of the British banks is illustrated in the latest edition of The Banker's Top 1,000 World Banks


Secret to long, healthy life revealed

Researchers found that people in their 30s and 40s who looked on the bright side of aging were less likely to develop cardiovascular disease later in life-and had lower mortality rates-than those who were more pessimistic.


Shadow of Europe darkens bankers' Paris meeting

The plush backdrop of the Westin Vendome hotel in Paris had champagne on ice on the bar throughout this week's Institute of International Finance (IIF) conference but no bankers were spotted popping the corks.