
Maitland enhances AML compliance services in Luxembourg

Founded in Luxembourg over 40 years ago, Maitland’s experience within the funds industry combined with its in-depth AML expertise and knowledge of the Luxembourg regulatory landscape continues to attract new clients to its comprehensive solutions.


BNY Mellon selected as ETF custodian for Chimera Capital

“We are honored that Chimera Capital has appointed BNY Mellon as global custodian for this innovative new fund, which is not only the first Securities and Commodities Authority umbrella fund, but the first SCA ETF.”


Zurich Prosecutors Probing Second Complaint About Ex-Baer CEO

“This is a third party matter, which we cannot comment on,” a spokeswoman for Julius Baer said. A spokesman for Collardi did not immediately return a call seeking comment. Pictet & Cie., where Collardi is now co-head of wealth management,


Public sector finances bulletin

The bulletin is structured with the latest headline figures, revisions and information on recent events and/or methodological changes which impact on the statistics, located at the front of the bulletin.


UK Trust Register - final rules published

These regulations clarify some of the uncertainties raised by the previous draft regulations and accompanying consultation document which were issued in January this year.