
FCA warns on boiler room graphene investments

We are receiving many reports from people who have been offered investments in graphene, which is a type of carbon that may one day be used in display screens, electrical circuits and batteries.


DFSA Signs Agreements With Italian Regulators

CONSOB is the public authority responsible for regulating the Italian securities market and protecting the investing public. It also conducts investigations with respect to potential infringements of insider dealing and market manipulation law.


Spain arrests eight over global bank cyber heists

The arrests are one of the biggest breakthroughs yet outside the United States in connection with a series of global bank heists, coordinated across numerous countries by cells which withdrew millions of dollars in a matter of hours.


SFO plans fightback in 2014

The reality is that every case the SFO does is make or break. 2014 will be about putting the past behind us


New NAMA revelations from US courts

THREE more businessmen have come forward with serious allegations about the leaking of information at NAMA, as controversy surrounding the bad bank deepens.