
Libor accused Tom Hayes moved shares into wife's name

Tom Hayes, the British former UBS trader charged in the US with rate-rigging, made arrangements to transfer £50,000-worth of shares in a tech start-up into his wife’s name as the Libor allegations emerged, it can be revealed.


The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

The budget minister is at risk of losing his portfolio in an imminent shake-up, newspapers Le Parisien and Le Journal du Dimanche both reported on Sunday, citing unidentified government sources.


Hollande unveils softened French bank reform

France unveiled a long-awaited bank reform, hailing it as a model for the rest of Europe even as critics said it fell short of President Francois Hollande's campaign pledge to get tough with the financial sector.


Allen & Overy named "Benelux Law Firm of the Year"

The Financial Times Mergermarket M&A Awards are unique in utilising both M&A transaction data from mergermarket.com and independent expert opinion from a panel of leading M&A practitioners to identify the winners.